

You can return any unopened items (in their original condition) within 28 days of receiving your order for a full refund. This doesn’t affect your rights to return faulty items. Also, cosmetics, toiletries, certain jewellery and items with a security seal can only be returned if faulty.

All returns must be sent to the below address:

Murlo Returns

504 Bunnerong Road,


NSW 2036

Our returns process is simple, call to discuss the reason for your return, then just use the returns note we send you and follow the steps below:

  Select the reason code for the item(s) you are returning.

  Print off the completed returns note and place inside the parcel with the item(s) you are returning (this is really important as we can’t action a refund without it).

  Printoff the returns address label and stick it to the outside of the parcel, making sure that the original label is no longer visible.

  Return your parcel using your preferred method. Please be aware we don’t offer free returns, but you only have to return your items in country to help keep the cost down for you. Postage is paid by the sender and won’t be refunded by Murlo.

  Keep your proof of return until you receive confirmation you have been refunded. You will receive a refund within 14 days to the payment method that you used to place your order.

Items not returned in line with the above policy may not be refunded, may be refunded at the last/current selling price or retained by Murlo.


Yes, we don’t offer free returns at the moment, but you only have to return your items in country to help keep the cost down for you. Postage must be paid by the sender and won’t be refunded by Next.


We’re sorry, we don’t offer an exchange service. However, you can simply return any unsuitable items to us for a full refund as per our ‘Returns Policy’ and place a new order for the item(s) you want.


When will I receive my refund?

As soon as the returns are received at our warehouse, they will be automatically refunded within 28 days (from the day you sent your return parcel) to the method of payment used for the order.

You'll receive a confirmation email when the item has been refunded. If you paid by card, please make sure you check your bank statement from the date of the order onwards, as your refund may be shown against the order date.

If you paid using another payment method, please check with the payment provider/issuer to locate the refund.

I haven't received my refund

You'll receive a confirmation email when the item has been refunded. If you paid by card, please make sure you check your bank statement from the date of the order onwards, as your refund may be shown against the order date.

If you made your original payment with a card that is now expired or cancelled, please contact your bank. The refund will always be processed to your original method of payment and can’t be sent to another card.

If you paid using another payment method, please contact the payment provider/issuer to locate the refund.

Please keep your returns tracking number until you receive your refund – you may be asked to provide this if we've not received your item(s). If you didn’t choose a tracked service for the return and only have a postage receipt, you'll need to file a claim with the postal service directly.

Contact us

504 Bunnerong Road, Matraville, 2036 • 02 8958

If you have any questions about our salon policies

Please feel free to get in contact with our team

Contact Us